mardi 31 mars 2009

¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle New Bretton Woods

Let’s Build Together a
New Eco- Fin World Governance
of Love & Light
Powered by
¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine

© Copyrights George TB Hua; 2001; 2008; 2009


USA are today in virtual bankruptcy by their banking/financial industries overwhelmed under huge masses of toxic assets generated by risky subprime mortgages: over $42.6 trillion CDS contracts vs. $18.5 trillion - = 40% of - total capitalization of all US Stocks markets on Jan 1st 2008, (Cf. George Soros) and much more critical today!!!

We are at The End of an Era of credit bubble expansion based on The US dollar as The Unique international reserve currency started with Bretton Woods IMS (Int’l Monetary System) in 1944...

The present deepest monetary, financial & economic crisis, never seen before (even in the great depression of the 1930’s) cannot be solved by National protectionist Stimulus $787bln or Re-boosting Plans, for all problems are global while national decisions making are just of local or regional concerns.. Then next London G20 Summit (April 2nd) will surely fail and the Planet would be on the street of The World War 3 with Israel’s Zionists provoking confrontation between them, fundamentalist Muslims & Evangelist, US Neo-Con Christians, on occupied Palestine.. burning Middle East (by Iran & Syria) and the planet.. IF… one cannot contain upcoming HUGE GLOBAL DEPRESSION and JOBLESSNESS with 100’s, even 1000’s millions poor, jobless and starved revolted peoples all around the world…

But fortunately, God gives victory to Obama who is less unconditional to support Israel Zionism and more willing to economic re-construction of new USA. Fortunately, God puts in bankruptcy Global Hyper-Financial Capitalism led by Wall Street greedy speculators (among whom Bernard Madoff who had ruined 3 million people and 300 Zionist NGO/NPO including Ellie Wiesel Foundation) and forbids any US financial support to Israel for now.. Unfortunately God reveals the true Face of Ethnic Cleanser in Palestine of Israel to The World.. While I was protesting against Pope Benedict XVI decision to re-integrating Holocaust denier Bishop R. Williamson, God urges former victims of Holocaust to commit worst wars crimes (even at a very smaller scale) at Gaza at the face of the international community...

The End of a WORLD of HATES, DARKNESS and WARS, inherited from Yalta East-West Share of the World (1945), Zionist Colonialist Apartheid Occupation of Palestine (1948), Decolonization Wars (mid 40s - 70’s), Cold War (1945-1989), Break of Bretton Woods IMS (1971), Fall of Berlin Wall (1989), Collapse of WTC Twin Towers (2001), Collapse of Wall Street (2008-09) IS NOW HERE with:

(i)* Collapse of the stolen IMS Int’l Monetary System based on US$ Exchange Standard (since 1971) with US Federal Reserve Bank emitting 10-20 times US real wealth in fake dollars in erratic fluctuations handled by Fed-Forex cartels, forbidding all equitable world trade and favoring accumulation of fake wealth in very few hands (10 to 15% people) at the expense of the masses (85% to 90%)…

(ii)* Collapse of Global Hyper-Financial Capitalism under super-bubble multi-leveraged credits speculations: Subprime risky mortgages to Alt-Ar or Ninja loans (no income, no job, no asset borrowers) => CDOs (Collateralized Debts Obligations)=> CDO2s, 3s, … => CDS (Credit Default Swaps)=> massive toxic assets (more than $42.6 trillion CDS contracts while total US capitalization of stocks markets is only $18.5 trillion at January 2008, -45% less now, and while Paulson TARP bailout is just .. $700 billion, a droplet) are contaminating by huge Securitization mania (packaging together several securities & bonds with multiple leveraging effects) all sane assets of banks = risks on 15 to 20 times their own capitals => crush down of financial industries (A.I.G., Citigroup & Bank of America at first) => global credit crunch & lack of liquidities => crush down of Global economies with a very deep and growing gap between fake and real wealth.. Even "bad banks" for absorbing toxic assets with tax payers monies will be droplets in an ocean of fake wealth very, very over-evaluated (for me, all stocks, equities, financial papers, etc.., are 2 to 10 times too much evaluated today..): USA and U.S. banks are in fraudulent bankruptcy today, despite of mindless rallies of stocks markets bounced artificially (by failed banks themselves) at resistance of 8,000 for the Dow Jones, then 7,000, then …

(iii)* Upcoming Collapse of Global Economies due to credit crunch, contraction of purchase powers and activities in developed countries and to drastic reduction of world trade (recession + resurging protectionism) leading to Global Social Collapse and an ambiance of pre-WW3.. We are just at the starting of this unavoidable GLOBAL COLLAPSING process since last Jan 2008, leading to massive unemployment, poverty, famine and social troubles IF...

(iv)* Upcoming Collapse of Zionist Hyper-Racist Ideology (from Theodore Herzl 1895, David Ben Gurion 1937, Golda Meir 1961, etc… to Ariel Sharon 1998 and Benyamin Netanyahu today) by revealing to The World Israel’s true face of Hates, Darkness & War Criminal in Ethnic Cleanser of Palestine for the sole advantage of The Jewish People, hiding behind Image of Victim of Holocaust for having all rights to violent & racist occupation of Palestine as "Rights of Existence of Israel State" and of Jews coming from all the world, at the expense of all native Palestinians on their fatherlands for centuries and centuries until 1948,.. protected until now by US ($108 billion US aid since 1948 and systematic veto-vote at UNO Council of Security) and Western Nations (blinded by Zionist strong lobbying propaganda for 60 years and under complex of committing Holocaust by Nazi Germany), now financially very weak and in ongoing global bankruptcy (see above)

2008-09: End of a World of Hates, Darknesses and Wars!

== This part is strictly personal:
According to the prophecy of The Apocalypse - The Revelation -, The End of The World Coincides with The End of Israel (as Synonym of Absolute Hate toward other Races, Ethnic origins, Religions, Political views than those of "God’s Elected People", as the Unique Monotheist Religion to accept ONLY Jews born or allied, at the opposite of Christianity, Islam & other Religions which are more universal and open to all..) by Advent of Jesus Christ at Jerusalem under form of my Cybernetic System ¥€$US©®™ The Royal Mighty Eagle for ruling in Reign, Power and Glory during centuries and centuries by empowering One I-Democratic Monetary, Financial, Economic, Social and Ecologic GOVERNANCE of a NEW WORLD ORDER of LOVE, LIGHT and PEACE at the service of each free citizen of the world, what ever is his/her race, ethnic group, religion, nation, economic, social & political status, and of whole humanity.

"To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic .. " (Alphonse de Lamartine)

Jesus taught us to be angelic by to Love our Fellow, especially one’s best enemy, like our/him/her/self.. "Love each one other, and you will survive" said The Lord at The Night of the Last Supper to His disciples..

When Israel People will recognize Jesus as The Messiah sent by The Father to message to the World this good news of Love, Light and Peace, and will love their "best enemy" Palestinian People, - like they do love themselves so, so much-, as the 11th Command of Moses, then they will be saved and The World of Hates, Darkness & Wars will End by solving a 2000-year misunderstanding on the "Elected People" or "God’s People" dogma:

The Common God of Abraham (for The Three Monotheist Religions) had sent to the "Elected People" His Son Jesus of Nazareth for bearing GOD’s LOVE for ALL MEN until to die on the cross, and not as 1 simple King for ruling a Kingdom of men, nor a Liberator for freeing Israel People from domination of Roman Empire (at Jesus period) nor of Egyptian Pharaoh (at Moses period)..

With this new Jesus humility, Israel People will not consider that their ultimate goal of "God’s People" is to build "Eretz Israel" (Great Israel from Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea) by Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine of all native Palestinians, and replacing them by pure Jews race coming from all the world (mass "Aliya"), provoking a WW3 if needed.. And they will be very happy to live together with all Palestinians and other people peacefully and prosperously in rebuilding a New Palestine, Holy Land of the New World Order of Love, Light and Peace, Out of Illuminati, Jesuit, Freemason, Skull & Bonnes, Bilderberg Group "Masters of the World", Satanic societies (Bohemian Club) or Circle of Elite (CFR Council on Foreign Relations) of US-UK-EU-Zionist lobbying, Mafia, etc.., plots of N-W-O of domination of elected elites, money, power, egoism and forces of evils.. on human-beings reduced to be chipped as modern slaves.. See how they created "Terrorism" of 9/11 and manipulated Anti-Freedom Laws for their "Big Final Plan"..

The most important last executor of this "Big Final Plan" controlled by major US bankers, industrial-military complex and those secret societies mainly Zionist, is Former President George W. Bush that we are investigating for wars crimes and crimes against humanity during his 8 years rule of USA, by manipulating opinion on "Terrorism War"


After this bracket of my personal religious conception that engages only myself and nobody else of my Roman Catholic Church ruled by Vatican, I come back to my personal exegesis of The Bible New Testament..

The Good News is EVANGILE in French, anagram of:
* E V
* A N
* G I
* L
* E

And reading by columns from left to right,

EVANGILE = EAGLE VNI = EAGLE COMES, .. SEES and WINS!!! ("veni, vidi, vici" of Julius Cesar in ancient Latin, when he conquered Gaule, ancient name of France)

Thus, The Good News of Jesus Christ is:


Eagle (1991-1997) was a strategic program of EU ESPRIT (European Strategic Program of R&D in Information Technologies) Eagle EP6599 led by me as coordinating contractor before EC (European Commission as Government of EU, European Union), of an International Consortium including IBM, Unilever, Imperial College of London, Fiat, Carrefour, Tesco, etc.., for mathematic & stochastic modeling a globalization of logistics and pricings of mass distribution on 1 Single European Domestic Market with a Unique Currency €. Eagle was killed in 1997, by IBM with blocking all public funds from Europe to my company forcing it to "Chapter 11" in Jan 1994 then to bankruptcy in April Easter 1996, with final technical report review in June Pentecost 1997.

Eagle (ESPRIT EP6599) was acronym of:
* Excellence in (ex-European)
* Advanced
* Global
* Logistics through
* Extended virtual enterprise (or "Eve") -wide

Eagle was programmed to assist each business actor, inter-independent component of the Global Enterprise (Eve) to make effective I-commerce©®™ (instant, inter-reactive, pro-active, and self-adaptive next generation of cash e-commerce) with globalizing logistics and pricing in mass distribution all around the world with a same d-currency, for bringing shared prosperity, well-being, happiness, brotherhood, social solidarity and peace to each human being and to whole humanity.. Eagle ESPRIT EP6599 was just a demonstration prototype on Europe.

The Optimization-Heart of Eagle ESPRIT EP6599 is the result of 40 years (since 1969) thoughts, R&D works, design, stochastic modeling, development and exploitation (successfully on over 100 manufacturing & distribution groups, managing in cumulated €1,000 billion sales from 1977 to 1997) and was targeted to optimize Global-Local Integrated SCM/ERP/CRM (Supply Chains Management / Enterprise Resource Planning / Customer Relationship Management) of the Global Enterprise Eve-Earth in order to satisfy all essential needs (food, clothing, housing, health, education, leisure, etc..) of each human being (atomic inter-independent component of Eve-Earth) and whole humanity (social cement of the Global Enterprise Eve-Earth) under technical, economical, social & ecological constraints of UN recommended sustainable development…

This global optimization made automatically, instantly inter-reacting, pro-acting and self-adapting with most local decision makings for permanently re-adjusting total offer to global demand of essential needs, will CUT BY HALF ALL COSTS for more services at the door of end-consumers, SAVE NON RENEWABLE or polluting ENERGIES, and reorganize a better win-win way of creating and sharing wealth.. A part of these saving costs will finance a minimum purchase power (€1.5K or $2K per month per person) for each World Free Citizen of a future World Coop: man, woman, child, active or not. This minimum purchase power for all, will make all essential needs reliable & FUEL CONSUMPTION, then the Whole Economic System (a neo-Keynesian view)

Eagle ESPRIT EP6599 was assassinated at Year of Ox 1997, and must resuscitate 12 years after (Chinese Calendar Cycle) at Year of Ox 2009, and thus become Mighty Eagle for enabling God’s Will of Love, Light and Peace for All Men (a personal deep belief)..

But for fulfilling its divine mission, Mighty Eagle will need a more equitable and sustainable new Int’l Monetary System "Bretton Woods" replacing inequitable and erratic present IMS based on The US dollar as Unique Reserve Currency.. And a New Global Regulation System of Financial Markets with a non-speculative New Global Banking System for financing industries, services, commerce, enterprises and particulars all around the world under same rules of the game for all, but different from all other investments groups. ("Universal Banks" are Achilles' heel of present US Banking System mixing banking & investments activities, contaminating all assets).

Yes, I’ve asked for a New Bretton Woods for dozens of years, but nobody, especially US, UK and Zionist Financial Lobbies behind Wall Street, did ever want this.. Now, God takes them in upcoming full & fraudulent bankruptcy and they have no choice, but to follow or die, completely ruined soon, Warren Buffet included if he persists to support stocks prices, like he does now.

The Good News of Jesus Christ is: EAGLE COMES, SEES .. and WINS..
Under 1 ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle New Bretton Woods & Eco-Fin World Governance.

What is ¥€$US©®™? A New Universal Digital d-Currency & IMS, acronym of:
* ¥uan Chinese People National Currency
* € European Union Unique Currency (for Euro-Zone)
* $ United States of America national and World Reserve Currency
* Universal
* Standard Exchange of:
1 ¥€$ = 1 € = 1/35 barrel oil (with future agreement of OPEC)
© Copyrights George TB Hua; 2001; 2008; 2009

Let’s remind History after 1944 Bretton Woods until 2009 US Bankruptcy by bubbles explosion:

* July 1944, 44 allied nations gathered together at Bretton Woods (USA) to define an International Monetary System IMS for supporting World Free Trade with 1 unique reserve currency in The US Dollar under condition of free convertibility of 1 $ = 1/35 ounce gold guaranteed on Gold Reserve of Fort Knox of US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed).. All other currencies fluctuated around US dollar following their economic-financial situation of the moment.

As US dollar was much more easily emitted and more liquid than gold, USA had created masses of dollars for financing Marshall and Colombo Plans for re-construction of Western Europe, Japan and South East Asia, with "30 Glorious" years (1944-74) structural full employment & prosperity period for these areas. But USA abused of these exclusive rights of emitter of world reserve currency (under sole condition of free convertibility of 1 $ = 1/35 ounce gold of Fed’s Fort Knox gold reserve) for financing their disastrous war on Vietnam and greedy acquisitions of real wealth all around the world by over-emission of dollars (vs. limited Gold Reserve of Fort Knox).

* August 1971, President Richard Nixon decided unilaterally to break fixed parity US$-Gold of Bretton Woods, provoking a deep and serious inflation of fake money (with no Gold-Counterpart), giving full power of emitting world reserve currency to a Fed Cartel ("The Three": Citigroup + Bank of America + JP Morgan Chase), creating inflation and raising of raw materials & oil prices (paid with fake money US$ with no reference to gold or any other real wealth), with "petroleum-chocks" since 1974, ending "30 Glorious" period with erratic fluctuations of all currencies eased by Forex Cartel (controlled by private lobbies behind Wall Street) and 2-digit rate inflation and growing unemployment.. during the 70’s, 80’s and early 90’s..

*1971-2009, with these exclusive rights to emit fake unique world currency in the sole interests of US hyper-financial capitalism, greedy speculators, mainly operators at Wall Street, had invented a lot of "derivatives products", more than $1,144 trillion (1 quadrillion with 15 zeros after 1, or 20 times World GDP or Global Wealth of USA including all real estate!!! according to the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland) that are spoiling as toxic assets contaminating all sane assets detained by banks, insurances and investments corps by virus of "securitization" (I.e. packaging together several kinds of loans and bonds in new equities with leveraging effects at many "generations"..). Forced to De-leveraging them = Explosion of all financial bubbles = write-down at zero of quasi all financial assets of financial industries = fraudulent bankruptcy (Cf. A.I.G. toxic assets CDS + derivatives + future = $1.4 trillion!!)
Cf. Some "9 bubbles" figures in

Thus, with freedom to US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) to emit world reserve currency with no limit but in sole interests of US financial capitalism, and with greed of US banking & financial industries to create 30 times or more, fake wealth (called "derivatives products") to earn more and quicker - very leveraged - than production of real wealth (by industrial capitalism of last centuries), we are now at the final phase of a GENERALIZED CANCER (starting with subprime mortgages crisis on July 2007) of the Global Monetary & Financial System, provoking the DEATH of GLOBAL ECONOMIES by credit crunch and financial asphyxiation, affecting first all financial, equipments industries (carmakers, building, durable goods, etc..) then all their suppliers and customers by domino effects, and the rest by snow ball effect IF..

*2008/09, to stop this infernal spiral of growing globalizing crises: "uncontrolled monetary -> financial -> economic -> social -> troubles, riots, wars ..", nationalistic Stimulus or Re-boosting, neo-Keynesian Public Deficits Plans of 100’s billion dollars are small dikes facing Tsunamis, or droplets in oceans of 1,000’s or 1,000,000 billion dollars toxic assets "derivatives products".., essentially when Obama must use free emitter rights of US Fed to finance his $3.6 trillion huge public deficit until 2010 with The Unique World Reserve Currency: Insane!!!

Fortunately ¥€$US©®™ The Mighty Eagle COMES at the Right Time now - before the Global Collapse (The End of The World IF..) -, SEES what happens with hyper-greed and egoism of men IF…, then will WIN by implementing His New Bretton Woods ¥€$US©®™ for an I-Democratic Eco-Fin New Global Governance of a New World Order of Love, Light and Peace.

(III)¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Comes at the Dawn of a NWO of Love and Light

For this New World Order Powered by ¥€$US©®™ The Mighty Eagle, the age of boundaries is closing, and we are approaching a nobler era when nations shall be no more than territories entities, when the line of race and caste shall be wiped out, when the whole earth shall be under one order, one i-democratic government, one administrative body. The sense of security must be put on a firm basis: the basis of right and brotherly relationship and not the basis of force.. Men must feel secure because they are seeking to develop international goodwill.. This New World Order will recognize that the produce of the world, the natural resources of the planet and its riches, belong to no one nation, but should be shared to all, on the basis of essential needs of all human beings of the planet..

This New World Order will be founded on the recognition that all men are equal in origin, rights, and goals, but that all are at differing stages of evolutionary development; that personal integrity, intelligence, vision and experience. This New World Order will be founded on an active sense of responsibility. The rule will be "All for One and One for All". No nation will be permitted to produce and organize any equipment for destructive purposes or to infringe the security of any other nation. One of the first task of any peace conference will be to regulate this matter and gradually see to the disarming of all nations.

"Thou Shall Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself"
will be our First Command.

This New World Order of Universal Humanism and Brotherhood will be founded essentially on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, Charter of UNO, especially its Article 1 Law:

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood"

"Universal Abolition of Death Penalty and of Slavery under all forms" will be proclaimed.

All social securities defining "Rights to essential needs" will be "Rights" to food (including clean water, energy, clothing), housing, health, education (basic and permanent), qualified job, leisure, .., to define according to the progress of standing of life, by the Global Governance

Each World Free Citizen from any nation, who will freely join this no-boundaries, borderless and offshore New United e-World Providence Kingdom, will need to pledge for respect of "This Law". All New Aristocracy, Nobility Members and Leaders of the New e-World Kingdom will need to be in full compliance with "This Law" and will pledge at Nomination:

"I assumed my moral responsibility to defend the objectives of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in my daily life, and I will do everything possible to talk and act about protecting the freedom and rights of others in my community. I affirm the following principle: "Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status".

Constitution of I-Democracy© (to be defined further all together) in the New United e-World Providence Kingdom will be instantly inter-reacting, pro-acting, self-adapting between 5 classical types of Democracy:

1/ Direct Democracy: each individual <-> Global
2/ Participative Democracy: each individual <-> Local environment of life or by topics
3/ Representative Regional Democracy: each individual <-> Regional Congress/Government
4/ Representative National Democracy: each individual <-> National Congress/Government
5/ Global I-Governance: each individual <-> Global via: (1) <-> (2) <-> (3) <-> (4) <-> (5) by relational - not hierarchical "top-down" or "bottom-up" - network..
© Copyrights George TB Hua; 2001; 2008; 2009

This New United e-World Providence Kingdom will be a Constitutional New e-World Monarchy that will work in parallel and co-exist with existing nations, national, regional and international institutions, and its leaders will be compounded with all co-owners/leaders of The New United e-World Providence Kingdom organized as a Global Sovereign Wealth Funds of World Free Citizens, especially members of present or past Royal or Noble Houses who will take oath of allegiance on this Constitution of I-Democracy and pledge to serve each citizen of The New Kingdom, not as a subject, but as a World Free Citizen, born free and equal in dignity and rights than them..

This New e-World Aristocracy and Nobility will add to - not replace - existing and past National/Local Aristocracy and Nobility, and will not give any rights on lands property, except powerful financial means and preferred rights to buy former familial properties.

The Nomination Process of New e-World Aristocracy and Nobility will follow a hierarchical way as in France and England old regimes "of Divine Rights", I.e., Global will nominate Kings and Queens of Nations or Groups of Nations, then Kings and Queens will nominate Princes, Princesses, Marques, Dukes, Counts, Viscounts, Barons of Regions, Counties, Territories, etc., and those will nominate Knights..

All World Free Citizens will be eligible according to their merit and contributions in the Building of This New United e-World Providence Kingdom of Love, Light and Peace, especially the most entrepreneurial of them… "First Come, First Serve"

At the TOP of the GLOBAL GOVERNANCE, The KING of The New United e-World Providence Kingdom will be my Cybernetic Machine ¥€$US©®™ The Mighty Eagle, which will be at the same time a RULER (on all laws, rights, rules, programmed on its relational data base by external Senates, Parliaments, Congresses on 5 levels of I-Democracy), CHIEF EXECUTIVE, ARBITRATOR and GUARDIAN of The LAW (CONSTITUTION), PROVIDENTIAL-PROTECTOR of Each World Free Citizen’s Rights and Social Securities, and of Whole Community of Global Sovereign Wealth Funds (as God’s People) before their legal national institutions all around the Globe..

King of The e-World ¥€$US©®™ The Mighty Eagle - a Cyber-Machine automatically self-functioning in Reign, Power and Glory for centuries and centuries - will be assisted by a Human Supreme Council of The e-World Throne compounded with co-opted Kings and Queens of Nations and Groups of Nations, Headed by His Human Defender: as His designer and creator by the Grace of God’s Love (like Holy Mary) under Light of The Holy Spirit (of EU ESPRIT Strategic Program Eagle EP6599, 1991-97), I claim, at His Successful Advent by 2012, the greatest Honor to be HIS DEFENDER, as hereditary rights for all my descendants, in GOD’s WILL OF LOVE & FRATERNITY BETWEEN ALL HUMAN BEINGS, contained in Article 1- Law of UNO Universal Declaration of Human Rights, of The e-World Kingdom Constitution..

As Defender of King of The e-World ¥€$US©®™ The Mighty Eagle, and Head of The Supreme Council of The e-World Throne, I will require from my Facebook Network of Friends Brothers Templars Knights ("Poor Knights of Christ"), Freemasons (Co-Builders of USA) and Opus Dei (I was Co-operant of this Catholic Church "Works of God" preaching for sanctification of men in prayers and hard works), to assist me in the Mission of Guardians and Promoters-Spreaders of The Light of GOD’s WILL OF LOVE & FRATERNITY by their charitable & spiritual works all around the World, and especially to Settle The Land Capital of the Offshore e-Kingdom at Jerusalem for 2012 after a victorious pacific "Crusade" together with All Religions believers or not, on Zionism and Racism on Palestine..

The e-World Kingdom will be definitively SECULAR with a clear separation of religious and political powers, like The Law of 1901 on secularity in France. Religions Wars were barbarian means of men and not of God’s Will, for like Prophet Muhammad revealed to us, "GOD IS ONE". This New e-World Kingdom will be the best Rampart against religious hates, darkness, ignorance, wars, because It will host believers of all religions, agnostics and non-believers and will never have specific fiefs, territories, communities of 1 sole religion on a same land, like did Israel tempt to do since 1948 (by a bad interpretation of the religious views by the politics).… if Zionism, Apartheid and Racism are not definitively defeated.

The New e-World Kingdom will not need an Army: Its Power of deterrence will not be a powerful army, but will be its Capability to the global control of 80% + financial, economic, commercial, informational, materials and human works flows all around the world. A justified boycott, in compliance with international laws and with the Kingdom‘s Constitution, will be sufficient to dissuade all dictators and racist regimes, better than powerful armies, very costly wars and propagandas medias.. This Power of deterrence will help all nations to a general and concerted global disarmament in the interests of whole Human-Kind. The social cement of The United Kingdom will be its Universal Secular Education for all World Free Citizens living in all nations, linked all together by 1 Universal d-Currency ¥€$US©®™ as each component of Christ Body by Christ Blood...

With this clear separation Politic-Religion, the New United e-World Kingdom will need 2 separated Powers under a Harmonious Coordination of Supreme Council of The e-World Throne: Executive and Legislative; to add to Judicial Powers of existing National and International Instances and Jurisdictions to be exercised on all World Free Citizens on territories where they live in existing laws that The e-World Kingdom will get in compliance with it's Constitution, especially in defense of human rights and in universal abolition of death penalty (some internal judicial problems will be handled by Supreme Council or by other regional/ local instances of the e-Kingdom)..

1/ Executive Power will be exercised by The Global Eco-Fin Governance Headed by 1 Supreme Chancellor named by The Supreme Council of The e-World Throne, on proposal of the winner of Presidential elections and chief of the majority of the e-World Congress (Senate, Parliament, Local Assemblies). The Supreme Chancellor will chair the Global Eco-Fin Governance as President Chief Executive Officer of The Financial Holding Asset Manager of The Global Sovereign Wealth Funds of Community of World Free Citizens.. Executive power at other levels of I-Democracy (national, regional, local) will follow classical organizations (management) of multi-national corporations with multiple decentralized decision centers.. Each individual (from birth to death) will be an atomic profit/cost center managed locally and globally as The Global Enterprise Eve-Earth by The Cyber-Machine, and controlled I-democratically by The Eco-Fin e-World Governance.

2/ Legislative Power will be exercised by The Global Congress on the scheme of USA and France on 4 levels: (1) Global e-World; (2) National (Federal of USA); (3) Regional (State of USA or Region of France); (4) Local (Commune of France), with for levels (1) and (2), 1 Senate (as USA) + 1 Parliament (as National Assembly of France), in parallel and in counter-power to existing National or Supranational (as European Parliament) Congresses.. In order to make all nations respecting essentially human rights and individual/collective freedom.. The Global Congress (Global Senate + e-World Parliament) will be headed by an elected (by the Congressmen Senators and Parliament Members) President of The Congress who will be the 3rd most important person of The e-World Kingdom, after Head of Supreme Council of The e-World Throne (#1) and Supreme Chancellor Chief Executive (#2).

This Legislative Power will define all laws concerning the Eco-Fin-Socio-Ecologic i-Democratic e-World Governance, programmed on the relational database of The ¥€$US©®™ The Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine for execution and control by Executive Power.

All this future organization of the New United e-World Providence Kingdom will be defined in a Constitution by an Assembled Constituent Assembly of World Free Citizens, experts and lawyers


(IV) ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Sees, Wins by Building God's Fifth Vth Kingdom

On Eve of London G20 Summit next April 2nd for coordinating all efforts of main World Leaders to containing the present and upcoming Global Monetary/Financial/Economic/Social Crisis, King ¥€$US©®™ The Mighty Eagle Veni, Vidi, Vici, (Evangile = Eagle vni) COMES, SEES what happens with greed of men and speculators, and with aggravated hyper-nationalism, hyper-fundamentalist religious fanaticism (especially Zionism, "Crusade-ism" of Evangelist Neo-Con and "Jihad-ism" of Islamist) … and WILL WIN by this following New Bretton Woods Global Proposal to G20 World Leaders, for solving and facing globally and locally to:

(i) Failure of present IMS based on US$ as The Unique World Reserve Currency
(ii) Collapse of present Global Hyper-Financial Capitalism overwhelmed by huge toxic assets
(iii) Upcoming Global Collapse of Economies IF (i) + (ii) are not solved globally by G20 or us
(iv) The World of Hates, Darkness and Wars, generated by Zionist Occupation of Holy Land

Cf. above.

To summarize points (i), (ii) and (iii) I let to President Thomas Jefferson his quote:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson, President of USA 1801-1808.

200 years after, with globalization of world finances and economies, these big multi-national banks and corporations have not only controlled 1 currency of 1 country, but The World Reserve Currency of All Countries, and worse, they have greedy created huge fake wealth (by $1,144 trillion derivative products not easily re-saleable, 22 times GDP of the whole world of fake wealth, see my comment below) for depriving weakest people of all property until their children wake-up homeless and jobless all around the globe IF… they don’t be killed before, by explosion-deleveraging of their multiple leveraged financial bubbles, pulling all economies in a catastrophic wreck by financial asphyxiation, followed by huge debt deflation, or hyperinflation or randomized "Quadrillion Play".. Or … by World War 3 starting in Middle East IF ...

That’s why all Governments of The World, especially those of G20, are working hard together to stop this vicious infernal spiral of growing global crisis "Monetary-Financial-Economic-Social-Diplomatic" …. But that is hard to solve global problems while decisions makers are national..

To understand point (iv) of the World Order of Hates, Darkness and Wars risen by Zionist Apartheid Occupation of Palestine, I invite you to read these quotes of 2 Zionist Leaders:

"Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment... Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.", Theodore Herzl, Founder of the World Zionist Organization, speaking of the Arabs of Palestine, "Complete Diaries," 12 June 1895..

"The past leaders of our movement left us a clear message to keep Eretz Israel from the Mediterranean Sea to the River Jordan for future generations, for the mass Aliya (Jewish immigration), and for the Jewish people, all of whom will be gathered into this country.", Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir declares at a Tel Aviv memorial service for former Likud leaders, November 1990, Jerusalem Domestic Radio Service..

Read more on:

104 years after Zionism Founder Theodore Herzl’s declaration, this hyper-racist and pseudo-religious ideology of "God's People" special rights, so worse than Nazism misdeeds of last Century, is still the deep cause of frustration, feelings of injustice, darkness, ignorance of religious exploitation of popular "penniless" Arab and Muslim masses, for helping rich Arabs like Bin Laden in their "Jihad" Enterprise Al Qaeda, and for feeding very fruitful Wars businesses of military-industrial complex and Wars Lords..

Therefore, our ancient World of Hates, Darkness, Wars is collapsing, due to greed of US-Zionists capitalists (80%+ of speculators of Wall Street are Neo-Con and/or Zionist) on the global monetary-financial system, and to greed of Zionism to Ethnic Cleansing of Whole Palestine of all native Arabs, for building "Eretz Israel" (Great Israel from Jordan River to Mediterranean Sea) with exclusively Jews born and allied (mass "Aliya"), thus creating:

* Hates: injustices, mass poverty (men forced to work at any price for a simple survival during their whole active life, and to be assisted when jobless or retired), frustration against Western Christians and arrogant Zionists Occupants of Palestine, against social gap of standard of life between "North and South" countries, and in developed countries, between "Rich and Poor" (arousing some "Robin Woods" socialist "Tax the Rich to Pay the Poor", or libertarian anarchist resentful vocations), against Western Christians considered as Colonialists and Imperialists, etc..

*Darkness: ignorance, lack of education in under-developed nations, brain washing and bad exploitation of religions, use of children for works, wars, prostitution, censorship of information and communication, repression of human rights, especially of freedom of thoughts, speech and expression, tribal wars after decolonization era killing all educational infrastructure, etc…

*Wars: permanent Israeli-Palestinian Conflict since 1948 as Zionist State of Israel had done all for ignoring Palestinian State by killing Oslo Agreement of 1992 and their Nobel Peace Prize winner Yitzhak Rabin, burning all Middle East, especially Arab World, and Muslim Community all around the World, "Jihad" and "Crusade" Holy Wars aroused by Bin Laden Al Qaeda and Zionist-Neo-Con hawks at Washington, Tel Aviv, London, "bloody" commercial wars by "competitive" devaluation (or systematic under-evaluation) of currencies between USA, Europe, China, and between developed countries and oil producers of OPEC, and developing countries suppliers of raw materials, fierce economic/commercial competitions between capitalist Corporations, tribal wars after decolonization era for control of populations and natural resources (Africa is the Richest Continent in these natural resources), conflicts in Africa, Asia East Europe, and South America, etc…

To speak “esoteric", what we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s Wrath. In Psalm 11 it is written, “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (v. 3).

“God is judging the raging sins of America, Israel and the nations. He is destroying the secular foundations."

The prophet Jeremiah pleaded with wicked Israel, “God is fashioning a calamity against you and devising a plan against you. Oh, turn back each of you from your evil way, and reform your ways and deeds. But they will say, It’s hopeless! For we are going to follow our own plans, and each of us will act according to the stubbornness of his evil heart” (Jeremiah 18:11–12).

But God is Mercy. For "God sent not his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him." (John 3, 16-21)

Thus, after SEEING and ANALYZING this critical global situation, King ¥€$US©®™ The Mighty Eagle brought God’s Mercy for All Men, especially greatest sinners, with His Command "Thou Shall Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself" translated in secular terms into Article 1 - Law of Universal Declaration of Human Rights UNO Charter, and WILL WIN with His New Bretton Woods Global Proposal for Co-Building All Together a "New World Order of Love, Light and Peace", to The World, first of all, to Top Leaders of G20 Nations.

¥€$US©®™ The Royal Mighty Eagle’s New Bretton Woods for 1 New e-World Providence Eco-Fin Governance will be supported by a Square Pyramid of 5 Major Public Multinational Corps quoted on all Stocks Exchanges of the World, especially on our future Financial I-Market Place (working 24/7), with at the Top of the Pyramid, future "Foundation of The Royal Mighty Eagle’s Kingdom" S.A. (first at Monaco and Dubai, then at Jerusalem on 2012) working as the "Financial Holding - Asset Manager" of the future Global Sovereign Wealth Funds SWF of all World Free Citizens basic investors from all nations, organized as an ¥€$US©®™ e-World Coop, SICAV Investment Cooperative Company with variable capital (settled at Paris and e-Dubai), 1st (of 4) main face of the Square Pyramid, working as the "Operational Holding" of the Global SWF.

At the contrary of existing nations constituted following territorial, racial, ethnic, religious, clan membership, historical, …, criteria, our future United e-World (Global Sovereign Weal Funds SWF Community) will be constituted with all World Free Citizens from Any Nation who will be linked individually together by written contract according to their free will, on 2 criteria:

a/ Pledge on Respect of Other’s Human Rights contained in The Constitution Charter of the e-World Providence Kingdom, especially First Command of Jesus Christ, in His Biblical words:

"Aime ton prochain comme toi-même// Love thy neighbor as thyself
Ve Ahavta le Re'acha
.oKamocha // ואהבת לרעך כמוך"

b/ Invest a basic capital of €30,000 or lightly $40,000 per person, children and inactive persons included, as preferential dividends name specific shares ADP (Actions à Dividendes Prioritaires nominatives) non-negotiable, of the Global SWF’s ¥€$US©®™ e-World Coop, in exchange of:

(i) An International biometric and chipped & tag RFID e-Passport of World Free Citizen of the Global SWF, guaranteeing his/her free circulation and residence in all nations, and protection of his/her human rights anywhere all over the planet; this e-Passport will be settled on 1 unique device (kind of super- I-phone) at the same time: Unique identity card, international driver license, credit card, health data & DNA, emitter & receptor of e-cash at distance, key for logging on Internet and private Intranet, other uses as e-portfolio, tickets of transports, .. + all uses of I-phone of Apple, including uses of GPS and RFID (Radio Frequency Id) for traceability of person, information and finance flows (in future e-currency ¥€$US©®™)

(ii) 10,000 ADP name specific shares of 1€ nominal value of the ¥€$US©®™ e-World Coop with 10,000 votes in Stockholders Assembly of the Coop SICAV

(iii) a minimum guaranteed of 5% starting from End M6 ($1,500 or $2,000) monthly permanent pension (60%+ ROI per year!), as non-refundable advance on payment of dividends (with balance brought forward if losses) of e-World Coop activities in I-commerce©®™ (= instant, inter-reactive, proactive, self-adaptive, cash e-commerce) of end consumers goods and services all around the world

(iv) A sponsorship for borrowing all basic capital for each inactive member of his/her family, especially children (starting at their birth) and elderly persons (until their death)

(v) All Rights to buy and to sell goods and services, assisted by Cyber-Machine, all around the world on the Global Portal of the e-World Coop, as its decentralized business unit, in accordance with international (WTO) and national laws & fiscal regimes (present and future)

(vi) A special contractual guarantee to solve all his/her financial, economic and social problems, at first to have a qualified job and a comfortable home, in the 6 months following confirmation of his/her basic investment in the ¥€$US©®™ e-World Coop SICAV. This special guarantee will cover also his/her Full Employment until retirement, as long as The e-World Coop will exist.

Under these 2 criteria (respect of human rights + basic investment) and their contractual financial-socioeconomic counterpart, I can provide, - as Digital Economist, Statistician Mathematician and Expert in Cybernetic Decision Technologies in Multi-Enterprise SCM Supply Chains Management and Globalization of Logistics, Unique nventor of the Cyber-Machine ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle (40 years of thoughts, R&D, works and successful implementations since 1969) embedding all proved appropriated packed digital technology -, equally each human-being anywhere and without exception all around the planet, and globally whole humanity, with all technical, financial, industrial, commercial and logistics outsourced means (at variable costs), for enabling them to propose their goods and services to customers and consumers all around the planet, under frame of the future Unique Portal of mass I-commerce©®™, ¥€$US©®™ e-World Coop, as component of 1 Same Global Enterprise, with the Same Relational Digital Data Base (no string, nor character), the Same Global SCM/ERP/CRM Integrated Management, and the Same Accounting Model in compliance with ISO Norms and Bale 3 Accounting Presentation Rules (to ease equitably comparison of companies performances, financial evaluations and balance sheets consolidation).

"All (the ¥€$US©®™ e-World Coop) for One (each member of the e-World Coop), One for All" the formula of Alexandre Dumas (Les Trois Mousquetaires) will be always applied instantly, inter-reactively, proactively, and self-adaptively, trillions times per day by the ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine to help each one of billions and all to practicing effective win-win intensive, mass and cash I-commerce at world scale for satisfying all essential needs (food, housing, healthcare, education, leisure,..) of each and of whole Humankind.

Thanks to my new Revolutionary Techniques (unique worldwide) of Global<=> Local Optimization instantly inter-reactive, pro-active and self adaptive (global offer <=> total demand I-market equilibrium) of integrated SCM/ERP/CRM Control of the Global Enterprise Eve-Earth (Eve©®™ = Extended virtual enterprise©®™ that I‘ve invented in 1988 for managing together several independent companies like 1 unique Corp), The ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine will enable individually each basic investor as atomic enterprise, inter-independent member of Global Eve-Earth (profit center for active member and cost center for inactive member) and globally the Whole ¥€$US©®™ e-World Coop (considered by the Cyber-Machine as a Global Eve-Earth, or a global big multinational with centralized management and decentralized profit/ cost centers), to creating huge wealth by massive and intensive equitable I-commerce at worldwide of products, services, skills and talents of each active member following his/her contribution, and to sharing them at the source to each member, active or no, following his/her essential needs, without a centralized taxation or fiscal regime (like for nations)..

By saving more than 50% all costs (TCO Total Costs of Ownership) by integrating the whole lifecycle of goods and services SCM/ERP/CRM Control, from supply of raw materials to delivery to end-consumers for destruction of these goods and services, avoiding any waste of redundancy, stocks of unsold articles (work only in "Make-to-order"), transportation, handling, storage and management of over-stocks (reduced from 30-35 days for FMCG Fast-Moving-Consumers-Goods to 2-3 days tensed flows "Jedi" Just-enough-desirable-inventory, thus -90% reduction of stocks, storage, warehouses), suppressing all points of sales and their costs (replacing stores, shells, assortment, stocks, etc., by virtual images and sounds on the Internet) and all administrative accounting management (replaced by quasi-automatic integrated accounting on unified ISO and Bale 3 accounting model on entirely dematerialized transactions like on Stocks Exchanges), cutting all useless transportations of persons (distant working or ordering, at home or near home) and merchandises (from 4.5 times from gate of finished products plants to gate of point of sale, to 2 times until door- or near - of end consumers) thus saving a lot, a lot of tons/kilometers (energies + pollution of atmosphere),

the ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine will be capable to self finance:
  • A supplement of purchase power of €1,500 or $2,000 / month / person, active or no, for making all essential huge needs of humanity financially reliable (for fueling economies engines by sustainable consumption of FMCG and services to persons)
  • A reduction of price (at less 5%) of essential goods and services to consumers
  • An augmentation of services to persons (valuing at 5% total price) at their home (before sale and after-sale services at home will be very appreciated in mass I-commerce online) with the same price delivered at door of home or near home
  • An augmentation of remuneration (lightly 30% total price) of all I-business actors of the global supply chains: producers, manufacturers, handicraft, retailers, services providers
  • Sustainable and attractive dividends to all stockholders of ¥€$US©®™ e-World Coop
  • A contribution to investment in clean and renewable energies, drinkable water, ecologic and intelligent housing (lightly 10% total price) in the frame of a sustainable development recommended by UNO
With a pull flow Jedi stocks of 2.5 days giving a turnover of 120 times per year, the net profit of ¥€$US©®™ e-World Coop as Distributor owner of all inventories on 6 levels of logistics nomenclature for delivering end consumers (1/ retailer, 2/ regional platform, 3/ Purchase Central, 4/ finished products plants, 5/ semi-finished or intermediary products plants, and 6/ raw materials) will be at less 2% net margin (per level) X 6 (levels) X 120 (times turnover) = << 1,440% per year (!!!!), very sufficient for returning 5% (minimum dividends) + .50% (social networking e-marketing fees) = 5.5% per month or 66% per year to basic investors:

NO, this exceptional R-O-I of 60% per year for the basic investment (limited to €30 K or $40 K per person, active or no) IS NOT A PONZI SCHEME or PYRAMID FRAUD as committed by former President of NASDAQ, Bernard Madoff, for The Cyber-Machine must work hard with each One and all the Community to earn this money, with all permanent controls and audits and in full transparency, accessible to all stockholders, normal or ADP.

Thus the ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine is A GIFT OF GOD (Work of God, "Opus Dei" in Latin) that I’m charged by HOLY MOTHER MARY - that I’ve met in February 1994 at Lourdes, after being forced to bankruptcy "Chapter 11" by my unfair strategic partner IBM Corp (that had stolen on 1998 my concept, copyrights, and trademark of e-business©®™ deposited at ESPRIT Eagle EP6599, European Commission Brussels, Nov 1995), - to deliver to the World at The End of Times for Saving Humanity from its possible extinction by bloody starving riots, wars for food and drinkable water, religious wars, even world war III … for…. G20 Top Leaders are obviously incapable to find a global solution to the monetary - financial - economic - social world crisis that is threatening our World..

Under these circumstances, I deny to Pope Benedict XVI, a former Nazi Youth and Grand Inquisitor of The Roman Curie who had taken the power by force, the Rights of Jesus Christ’s Good News Spokesman, for diverting His Message of Love, Light & Peace into secondary societal customs issues about sexual fidelity, abstinence, anti-condom, abortion, homosexual marriages.

By the Grace of God The Father, Jesus Christ The Son, and by The Light of The Holy Spirit who inspired me, ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine, The Spiritual Grand-Son of Holy Mother Mary and Son of Our Lord, will Realize the Promise of Jesus Christ for Saving The World by removing forever poverty and ignorance, at the deep origin of hates, darkness and frustration in heart, soul and mind of men…

Therefore, every World Free Citizen who will join voluntarily and in full knowledge of his/her rights and duties contractually engaged, ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine Powered Global Sovereign Wealth Funds’ ¥€$US©®™ e-World Coop SICAV, will belong TO THE GOD’s PEOPLE: at the contrary of other religions, God’s People membership is not linked to a race, ethnic origin, religious conviction or virtuous behavior, but it will be a written Contract between each individual and a future United e-World Providence Kingdom represented by a Global SWF of World Free Citizens

This new dogma of God’s People, when financial-economic-social performances of ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine will be proved to all men for 2012 (Year cited by Nostradamus and some Kabalists), will prove a posteriori that Jesus of Nazareth WAS REALLY God’s Son sent to men for establishing The Fifth Vth Kingdom of all World Free Citizens whatever is their original nationality, religion, race, ethnic origin, eco-social status, political views, and living in all existing nations of the world. They will have no obligation to convert into any religion or political party or ideology, except to have at less an account of new universal digital d-currency ¥€$US©®™, official currency of The Fifth Vth Kingdom of God and to respect others’ human rights all around the World.

This Fifth Vth Kingdom, our New United e-World Providence Kingdom represented by ¥€$US©®™ Global Sovereign Wealth Funds of all World Free Citizens, will be an Offshore Global Empire with no territories, borders, boundaries, walls of separation, armies, Capital, but present anywhere all around the globe for the energetic defense of human rights, I-democracy and a happy standard of life respecting nature, fauna and flora, and ecology of the planet.

The New e-World Kingdom will bear values of Love, Light and Peace to all Men and will promote with all its pacific means - essentially financial, economic and commercial - Peace and Global and Progressive Concerted Disarmament of nations and will contribute to building Peace and Happiness at Middle East, especially on Holy Land, by creating, in full dialogue and partnership with all 4 parties: 1/ Israeli, 2/ Palestinian, 3/ Lebanese and 4/ Jordanian, The "UNITED KINGDOM OF JERUSALEM" with Capital at Jerusalem, a federal Constitutional Kingdom where all Jews, Palestinians, Jordanians, Lebanese and peoples of all countries (especially believers of The 3 Monotheist Religions Judaism, Christianity, Islam) will be able to live free, prosperous, happy and in peace together, anywhere they will want, on territories of 4 States without borders nor walls of separation, under a secular I-democracy protected by 1 sole administration, 1 federal army and police, and using a same d-currency ¥€$US©®™, speaking 4 official languages: 1/ French, 2/ Arab, 3/ Hebrew, 4/ English and renaming all Israeli-Palestinian towns, villages with a double Hebrew-Arab historic name. The administrative language of the United Kingdom will be French, 1st Diplomatic Language of the new United e-World

Under these conditions of I-democracy and Equitable Peace between Israel and its Arabs neighbors (and cousins, they were all descendents of Jacob and Ismael Bin Abraham, aren’t they), The "UNITED KINGDOM OF JERUSALEM" will be The "Fifth Vth Kingdom" after 1st Israel, 2nd Palestine, 3rd Jordan, 4th Lebanon, and will become The Capital e-World of The New World Order of Love, Light, Peace, by rebuilding The New Temple of Solomon, by respecting as far as possible, today Al-Aqsa Mosque place, for hosting Our Lord Jesus Christ and The e-Fortress of Saint John for hosting King of The World ¥€$US©®™ The Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine at Jerusalem, projected for at latest 2012 to achieving aims of The Great Architect of The Universe.

God’s People Global SWF ¥€$US©®™ e-World
Financial Organization Plan

This Big Final Plan projected by "The Great Architect of The Universe" is to implement by 2012 God’s People Global SWF Sovereign Wealth Funds of all World Free Citizens, this New "United e-World Providence Kingdom" as The "Fifth Vth Kingdom" on the place of Holy Land, present Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan, with New Jerusalem as administrative, political, financial, commercial, spiritual Capital of the new e-World of Love, Light and Peace, "Civilization of Love" as quoted Holy Father Pope John-Paul II.

Then, ¥€$US©®™ will Rule Forever As King of The World, for having being a Descendant of King David of Israel, by His Spiritual Father Jesus of Nazareth, Son of David in Holy Bible:

The Prophecy will be accomplishing at The End of Times (2012);
Then Love, Light and Global Peace will Come.

To achieve this Big Final Plan (2009-2012), I project the following financial plan:

*2009-2012: We will raise progressively basic funds from each free citizen of the world (with his/her family under his/her charge) on the basis of holding a basic investment of €30,000 or $40,000 per person to the Global SWF with instantly emission of 30,000 shares of the e-World Coop, 10,000 name specific shares ADP for the basic investor (including child, inactive, elderly or disabled person) + 20,000 normal shares for The Financial Holding, Asset Manager of the Global SWF. By this financial construction, the Financial Holding will hold 1 billion seed-shares + 2/3 shares progressively with subscribing of new "God’s People". It will resell until 16.6% on financial markets for other investments.

The target is to raise until 4-5 BILLION World Free Citizens basic investors (including their families), I.e. €120-150 TRILLION E.U. EUROS (or $160-200 trillion US dollars, value today 1€ = 1.33$), at End 2012 for constituting God’s People Global Sovereign Wealth Funds SWF.

On hypothesis we can deploy for June-July 2009 at latest, our aim will be to raise for:
* End 2009: 100 Millions basic investors (€3 trillion - $4 trillion investment)
* End 2010: 1,000 Millions basic investors (€30 trillion - $40 trillion investment)
* End 2011: 2,000 Millions basic investors (€60 trillion - $80 trillion investment)
* 2012 at Advent of King ¥€$US©®™ at Jerusalem: 4 to 5 Billions basic investors (€120-150 trillion - $160-200 trillion investment) will become members of prophetic God’s People..

Thus basically, this new Global SWF, at the contrary of nowadays national SWF (especially in Middle East), will be constituted exclusively with independent World Free Citizens from all nations without exception, who having the same will to earn riches and happiness by working hard, respecting and helping other to do the same: this financial architecture will allow to give a minimum purchase power equally to all, hard workers or lazy "good-for-nothings" or inactive persons, coming from rich or poor countries, plus a high financial income (by accessing to the world I-market by I-commerce piloted end-to-end by embedded "¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine") in proportion with capacity, qualification, skills, risk-taking level and entrepreneurial ventures of each one, at the basis of my new social-economic paradigm of a "FREE, SOCIAL & ECOLOGIC MARKET I-ECONOMY"© (shown in my Eagle ESPRIT EP6599 strategic project "Final Report" Nov 1995) referred as "Social Market Economy" in "Project of European Constitution" 2005 (Title II: Fundamental Principles) of European Union (unifying 27 European Countries).

Besides, this financial processing for a new Stimulus and re-Boosting Plan of World Economies will not need National Central Banks to printing huge masses of counter-fake money for financing huge national deficits risking catastrophic inflation (especially in nowadays US$ as The Unique World Reserve Currency) or taking taxpayers into deep debts (for financing bureaucracy and, possibly corruption), but will just require basic investments equally to each World Free Citizen, investments that will be financed partially or totally (for households having less than $30,000 year income any where all around the planet) by the Global SWF’s "¥€$US©®™ e-World Bank-Insurance-Markets Inc." to increasing considerably purchase powers of masses for re-launching by mass-consumption (of essential needs) and investments (in all sectors pulled by mass-consumption as "domino" or "snow ball" effect), in frame of a Global Controlled Auto-Regulation powered by embedded ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine.

The classical dilemma "Stimulus by Consumption or by Investment" will be solved elegantly, not with public deficit taking in deep debts taxpayers, but by voluntarily investments of each individual for investing in a minimum purchase power internationally guaranteed to make reliable his/her family mass-consumption of all essential needs: food, clothing, housing, health, education, leisure, etc... (very Keynesian principle and Neo-Keynesian dogma of Welfare/ Providence State)

This financial processing will enable to the future Global SWF a new sustainable and growing economic-financial-social-ecologic development, equitable "fair" and global at worldwide, pulled by I-commerce©®™, and will re-boost world economies, - today in critical situation due to weakness of US$ based IMS and to de-regulated financial system spoiled by over-leveraged toxic assets $1,144 trillion "derivatives products" including more than $50 trillion CDS -, with both stimulus by consumption and investments (including national public investments in territorial and urban intelligent infrastructures, renewable, clean and local energies, health (SS), secular universal & national education, and in protection of environment) and under unique Eco-Fin Global World Governance powered by my embedded "¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine".

* 2009-2012: FINANCIAL ARCHITECTURE of God’s People Global SWF

This Global SWF of World Free Citizens Community will be supported by a Square Pyramid of 5 future Major Public Multinational Corps, (A1), (B1), (B2), (B3), (B4) with Hierarchy as:

(A) "Foundation of The Royal Mighty Eagle’s Kingdom" S.A. €1,2 billion face capital (Monaco)
** (A11) "¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine" for powering the Global SWF (e-Dubai)

*** (B1) "¥€$US©®™ e-World Coop" SICAV €1 billion starting capital (Paris)
***** (B11) "¥€$US©®™ World I-Commerce Center" $4-5 billion investment (Dubai)

*** (B2) "¥€$US©®™ e-World B-I-M Inc" Corp $1,350 billion face capital (New York)

*** (B3) "" Info-Com-Media Ltd £170 million face capital (London)

*** (B4) "Ecologic Life" Building-Intelligent Housing- Water - Energies - Ecology (Beijing)

At the top of The Pyramid,

* (A): "Foundation of The Royal Mighty Eagle’s Kingdom" as S.A. with fixed face capital of €1.2 billion Euros, (1.2 billion shares of 1€ nominal value), at its creation in Principality of Monaco, for historical and fiscal reasons, with an e-fortress at Dubai, UAE, for hosting the Cyber-Machine that will computing and communicating all intelligent decisions with the world; this will act as a "Financial Holding" Asset Manager of the Global SWF Community. In the "New United e-World Providence Kingdom", this Financial Holding will assume The Mission of Eco-Fin-Social-Ecologic Global I-Governance of a growing e-World Empire of projected 100 millions World Free Citizens by End 2009, to 4-5 billions members on 2012 at Advent of King of the World ¥€$US©®™ The Royal Mighty Eagle at future "United Kingdom of Jerusalem". Symbol of This Global I-Governance at Top of Square Pyramid: THE BIG EYE… of ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine to control I-democratically each One and All, respecting all human rights and individual/collective freedoms (not The Big Brother imagined by George Orwell). Watch this video for N-W-O symbolism or pictogram on left of One Dollar banknote (Square Pyramid with an Eye on Top)

The Four Faces of The Square Pyramid - The Four "Legs" of Kingdom or "Quatre Vivants" of Christ-King - will be (B1), (B2), (B3) and (B4) as follow:

* (B1): "¥€$US©®™ e-World Coop" as a SICAV & Cooperative with Variable Capital of $1 billion E.U. Euros, compounded with 1 billion of normal shares of 1€ face capital brought by (A) Financial Holding at the starting, and growing as one goes along with basic investments subscribed by emitting 20,000 new normal shares to Holding (A) and 10,000 new name specific preferred shares ADP to each new basic investor bringing €30,000 basic capital. This e-World Coop will be settled at Paris for it will takeover (or direct buyout) 4 big French traditional distribution groups (Carrefour, Intermarché, Printemps-PPR and Galeries Lafayette) for starting mass distribution with existing: a) 200 millions customers, b) an amazing suppliers referencing conditions database, c) a huge knowledge in merchandising/ assortment planning and e) points of sales and logistics floats-warehouses-platforms networks. It will install The First (B11) "¥€$US©®™ World I-Commerce Center", with a global partnership with Emirate of Dubai, U.A.E., on site of e-Dubai, to allow to all suppliers of goods, products and services to expose their offer on virtualk and real show-rooms on future e-channel of mass I-commerce at worldwide and to seek for franchisers, retailers or suppliers in B2B I-commerce. This Multinational Corp will act as The "Operational Holding" of the Global SWF and will be exclusively I-Distributor, owner of all stocks, giving "make-to-orders" commands to all sub-contractors, suppliers, retailers, services providers, following as one goes along end-consumers orders.

* (B2): "¥€$US©®™ e-World BIM Bank-Insurance-Market Inc." as a fixed capital Incorporated Company at New York, with a starting face capital of $1.35 trillion of U.S. dollars (or lightly €1 trillion E.U. Euros, today change rate), corresponding lightly to balance sheet of 1 Group like Citigroup or Societe Generale, emitting 1,350 billions of normal stocks shares at 1$ face capital each, capital brought by Holding (A) at step2 (M3), for taking-over, in full partnership with U.S., France, U.K., E.U. and China Administrations and Central Banks, cleaned-up assets and debts (excluding all derivatives products, especially illiquid CDS, with Zero face value) of 1/ Citigroup + 2/ Bank of America + 3/ Sociéte Genérale + 4/ Crédit Agricole + 5/ HSBC + 6/ RBS + 7/ A.I.G. + 8/ AXA + 9/ and 10/ 2 Chinese big takeover-able banks + 11/ 1 Chinese big takeover-able Insurer + 12/ NYSE Euronext + 13/ NASDAQ + Boursorama (broker-bank online of Societe Generale), against stocks shares exchanges on basis of valorization of these financial institutions sane assets/debts, or cash (US$, EU€, €$). These 13 Corps will be merged, restructured into 1 Sole Multinational Corp with National-Local Implantations in all countries and managed on a same accounting model Bale3-compliant, on The same relational database of The Global Eve-Earth. Its Mission will be to assume roles of: 1/ Central e-Bank ¥€$US©®™ of the Global SWF Community, 2/ Commercial & Retailer Bank, 2/ Insurer, 3/ Financial e-Market Place Broker, 4/ Pension Funds, 5/ Notation World Agency (Independent Arbitration), and under waterproof capital join-venture subsidiaries: 6/ Investment & Hedge Funds, 7/ Venture Capitalist and 8/ Risk Capitalist. In frame of the New Bretton Woods powered by ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle d-Tech, this Big Corp will have The Mission of Control, Regulation and Execution of the New World Monetary and Financial System by freeing completely credits to financing industries, commerce, particulars anywhere all around the world, by protecting all deposits and assets of all customers, and by re-giving to financial markets their initial role of assuring liquidity of financial assets and helping entrepreneurs, even SME, to raise money on Stocks Markets. This future e-World Bank (B2) will finance all basic investments of World Free Citizens who will need credit, finance cash I-commerce of all actors of e-World Coop (20% at ordering date + 80% at delivery or carry for professional B2B and 100% at ordering date for all end-consumers in B2C or C2C), and will refinance all people in trouble or in deep debt (or insolvent), especially victims of subprime mortgages, with low interest rate of 3.6% per year. It will process the Global ¥€$US©®™ e-currency UDMS (Universal Digital Monetary System or Digital IMS) and The Global Financial e-Market as a World e-Stocks Exchange quoting 24/7 all equities (like special NASDAQ + Forex)

This Global Financial Institution will constitute The Ideal Global Solution to today "deepest" Global Monetary-Financial Crisis that G20 Top Leaders have to face for recovering the Global Financial System before re-boosting World Economic Engines victims of credit crunch and financial asphyxiation.. That is what we will propose to G20 Top Leaders Summit

* (B3): "" (HTB = Hua-Thomson-Bull) as a Ltd Corp that will be settled at London with a fixed face capital of £170 million for constituting The Info-Com-Media Tool of the ¥€$US©®™ Global SWF whole Community (supported by all 5 Multinational Corps: A + B1 + B2 + B3 + B4 working as a Eve Extended virtual enterprise) with buying, merging and restructuring around my resuscitated 1/ Groupe Hua (ex-software editor owner of all know-how, software, copyrights © and author rights of ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine and core-system of Global SCM/ERP/CRM on basis of Eagle ESPRIT EP6599 final technical report deposited at European Commission Nov 1995), 2/ Thomson (users multimedia devices, especially future I-phones ¥€$US©®™), 3/ Bull (mainframes + servers), 4/ Steria Group (Internet Integrator Consultancy and Services Operator), 5/ Citrix (Access Infrastructure for future e-fortresses), 6/ XRT (specialist software-architect of financial flows and accounting modeling Bale 3-compliant), and 7/ Bouygues (Media, Internet and cell-phone operator, Intelligent Building) + other possible external partners (especially independent software developers) organized as Excellence Network into 1 Global IT-Com-Media Group with a staff of lightly 48,000 highly qualified persons today (starting 2009). The Mission of This New Group will be to re-design, develop, integrate, exploit and maintain VAIS (Value-Added-Information-Service) of Global SCM/ERP/CRM parts of ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine for account of B1 World-Coop, ¥€$US©®™ e-currency and Global Financial e-Market systems at the account of ¥€$US©®™ B-I-M Inc (B2) and will be to design specifications books of Intelligent Buildings (integrating software, hardware, net-ware, telecom into building for hosting Cyber-Machine, Business, I-Commerce, Show-Room, Stocks Exchange, e-Office, Residential Living, Hotel, etc… activities) and Intelligent Housing for engineering, project management and controlling works of B4.

Its Central Mission will be to create, develop and maintain The Central Relational Database and The I3S (Intelligent Information Infrastructure of Information Society) as Information and Communication System of the Whole ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine (King of The World ¥€$US©®™) for insuring His Works for Centuries and Centuries with a Network Team of 1,000,000 permanent persons all around the World, projected by 2012 at stabilization of the New World Order of Love, Light and Peace.. Without this technical and telecommunication tool managed by at less 50,000 highly qualified persons at the starting, it will be impossible to reach and maintain the performance of paying back +66% per year to basic investors network and of helping billions of persons and enterprises to get rich by working hard and effective on the future e-World Market Place.

* (B4): "Ecologic Life Corp" as a Company that will be settled at Beijing by End 2009, and will be specialized in holding the Four Elements essential for Ecologic and Harmonious Life on Planet Earth (Soil, Air, Fire, Water) in Intelligent Building - Ecologic Housing - Services to Environment - Renewable Energies - Drinkable Water Distribution, by re-investing at M+6, for acquisition, merging and restructuring 4 Major French Corps: 1/ Bouygues (building), 2/ Veolia Environnement (Services to Environment and Distributor of water) + 3/ GDF-Suez (gas, water) and + 4/ EDF (electricity), on Stocks Markets Paris + private & public direct discussions, into 1 Global Corp of lightly €130 billion capitalization today. This Multinational Corp (B4) will have the Mission to build, promote, sell and lend all ecologic and intelligent real-estates, and to maintain The Four Elements for an Ecologic, Smart and Harmonious Life, mainly to billion of World Free Citizens, basic investors members of The Global SWF Community (God’s People)

To summarize this financial organization of the future "¥€$US©®™ Global SWF" for raising 4-5 billion basic investors of €120-150 trillions E.U. Euros capital used for massive cash I-commerce of end consumers goods and services by 2012, we just need a seed-capital of $1.65 billion (lightly €1.2 billion), less than 100,000 times (leveraging factor of 100,000+!!) future capital raised, to block in starting capital of Financial Holding (A) that will use as following:

* (i) Block €1 billion in constitution of starting capital of Operational Holding (B1) "¥€$US©®™ e-World Coop" for guaranteeing in second rank (after investor or his/her sponsor) loan of 1 first million neediest basic investors (€30 billion investment), and for ordering to ICT Corp (B3) the whole ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Global SCM/ERP/CRM for powering massive cash I-commerce with first deliverables at End 2009 (M+6), a contract of €700 million (2009-2012)

* (ii) Block £170 million (lightly €182 million) in constitution of face capital of ICT Corp (B3) for contracting with Operational Holding (B1) and with The Financial Holding (A), a global contract of delivery service-in-hands the whole ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle Cyber-Machine for exploitation at starting 2010 (Contract of €1.2 billion + €700 million above = €1.9 billion 2009-2012). For doing that, (B3) will need to buyout immediately essential core companies: 1/ Groupe Hua, 2/ Thomson, 3/ Bull, 4/ Steria Group and 6/ XRT for a price of €750 - €800 million (today stocks price) with practically cash (capital + advance on payment on contracts) and a few part of exchange of stocks (10-20% of the total price). Immediately after signing contracts for conquering a World Market (competing IBM, MS, Google, HP, Apple, Sun, Dell, Cap Gemini, SAP.., united), this restructured Big Corp of initial £170 million will be worth 100’s of billion €.

Thus the seed-capital of $1.65 billion US dollars (face capital of the Financial Holding) will be FUNDAMENTAL to raise by self-financing This Global Group of 5 Major Multinational multi-trillionaire (by End 2010), with a very high leveraging factor (+100,000 times by End 2012).

For this reason, I propose to my strategic partners with whom I would like to make a Holy Alliance:

You all, and especially Royal Families of United Kingdom, Emirate of Dubai (Family Al-Maktoum), Saudi Arabia KSA (Family Al Saud), UAE (Families Al Nahyan, Al Falasi), Bahrein (Family Al Khalifa), Pakistan (my Friend Shahzada Sher Saddozai), etc.. , and Great Investors as Families de Rothschild, Rockefeller, George Soros and SWF managers, etc..,

To be very first Co-Founders Co-Owners by buying first stocks shares of Financial Holding (A) on the basis of 1 stock share = $50 US dollars (capitalization of (A) estimated at $60 billion at starting, thus with a serious potential plus-value in 3 months). They will participate in the Core-Team for negotiating with G20 a New Bretton Woods €1 trillion EU Euros contract for overhauling and recovering the failing Global Monetary and Financial System in order to World Economies Stimulus and Reconstruction..


George 佐治 清 平 Hua Eagle
Defender of King of The World ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle
World Free Citizen, militant for a Civilization of Love & Light
Inventor of Cyber-Machine ¥€$US©®™ Mighty Eagle
Under EU’s Strategic Program ESPRIT Eagle EP6599

© Copyrights George TB Hua; 2001; 2008; 2009

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