¥€$US©®™ Eco-Fin World Governance For Enabling
An Immediate Global Bailout Plan to
all jobless, poor, deep in debts, neediest,.., of the World
An Immediate Global Bailout Plan to
all jobless, poor, deep in debts, neediest,.., of the World
© Copyrights George TB Hua 2008; 2009
Today, the world challenges a quadruple unprecedented deepest Monetary-Financial-Economic-Social Global Crisis due to:
(i) Failure of present IMS based on US$ as The Unique World Reserve Currency over-emitted
(ii) Collapse of present Global Deregulated Financial Markets overwhelmed by huge toxic assets
(iii) Upcoming Global Collapse of Economies IF (i) + (ii) are not solved globally by G20 or us
(iv) Upcoming Global Social Catastrophe IF (i) + (ii) +(iii) are not solved globally and locally.
Read more my note of March below..
While London Summit G20 admitted the idea of injecting $5 trillion in world finances and economies from now to End 2010 (with $1.1 trillion in new funds that would greatly increase the capital available to the International Monetary Fund IMF) to bail out developing countries, stimulate world trade and regulate financial firms more stringently for tackling this World crisis, with "no guaranties of results" (President Obama), nor fixed concerted programs,
I’ll propose, with support of a future core-team of our ¥€$US©®™ Global Sovereign Wealth Funds SWF of World Free Citizens, a ¥€$US©®™ New Bretton Woods focusing simultaneously, globally and locally on (i) Monetary, (ii) Financial, (iii) Economic, (iv) Social and (v) Ecological (for UN recommended sustainable development) issues for a
(i) Failure of present IMS based on US$ as The Unique World Reserve Currency over-emitted
(ii) Collapse of present Global Deregulated Financial Markets overwhelmed by huge toxic assets
(iii) Upcoming Global Collapse of Economies IF (i) + (ii) are not solved globally by G20 or us
(iv) Upcoming Global Social Catastrophe IF (i) + (ii) +(iii) are not solved globally and locally.
Read more my note of March below..
While London Summit G20 admitted the idea of injecting $5 trillion in world finances and economies from now to End 2010 (with $1.1 trillion in new funds that would greatly increase the capital available to the International Monetary Fund IMF) to bail out developing countries, stimulate world trade and regulate financial firms more stringently for tackling this World crisis, with "no guaranties of results" (President Obama), nor fixed concerted programs,
I’ll propose, with support of a future core-team of our ¥€$US©®™ Global Sovereign Wealth Funds SWF of World Free Citizens, a ¥€$US©®™ New Bretton Woods focusing simultaneously, globally and locally on (i) Monetary, (ii) Financial, (iii) Economic, (iv) Social and (v) Ecological (for UN recommended sustainable development) issues for a
¥€$US©®™ New Eco-Fin World Governance
Enabling immediately to bailing out all jobless, poor workers, deep in debts, neediest .. of the world, starting by those of U.S.A., Europe, China (for re-boosting their consumption and pulling world economies) then extended to all people of all classes of the globe, included facilitated and upper classes… for a contribution of only $1.35 trillion of Central Banks of U.S. (Fed), E.U. (ECB), China, France, UK and other G20 or other nations, in counter-part of this Global bailout and stimulus plan, starting by recovering finance and economies of citizens of these nations..
(I) ¥€$US©®™ New Bretton Woods Universal d-Currency
This ¥€$US©®™ new Universal d-Currency©®™ and IMS, is acronym:
* ¥uan Chinese People National Currency
* € European Union Unique Currency (for Euro-Zone)
* $ United States of America national and World Reserve Currency
* Universal
* Standard Exchange of:
1 ¥€$ = 1 € = 1/35 barrel oil (with future agreement of OPEC)
©®™ Copyrights, Author Rights George TB Hua 2001; 2008; 2009
This new universal digital d-currency will moor together 3 main currencies of 3 Continents: Chinese ¥uan (non convertible, but used by 1.3 billion persons in China integrated to WTO rules for fair world trade) + E.U. € (the first supranational currency of the world linking 17 European Sovereign Nations of Europe Euro-Groupe in a unique currency, with restrictive rules on public deficit of Maastricht Treaty) + U.S.A. $ (the present too weak world reserve currency that is over-emitted for U.S. internal huge deficits, and that is varying very erratic due to short-term interests of speculators on Forex) for giving more credibility to US$ (saving them from an ineluctable wreck pulling all world finances and economies in a global disaster) and a real face asset value to new ¥€$ owning fixed parity with E.U. supranational € and with 1/35 barrel oil (to negotiate with OPEC later) like fixed parity US$ = 1/35 ounce gold of Bretton Woods I, 1944-71 (replacing illiquid and rare use of gold by very liquid € and broad use of oil in all activities), thus restoring confidence and liquidity on the new d-currency on all world markets of commodities, goods, services, financial products, labors, all valuated with the same comparable and equitable scale of value at worldwide, easing global win-win equitable, intensive cash I-commerce on closed e-markets controlled by Cyber-Machine with unique financial, commercial and fiscal rules of the game for all business actors operating on this new worldwide ¥€$ closed e-channel with intensive machine-assisted transactions and turnover.
Moreover, as all transactions will be dematerialized (like financial transactions today) and fully tracked, secured, traceable by digital computations, all transparency, licit nature checking, origin-destination and accounting presentation in International Norms Bale 3- Compliant (or other norm) of all exchanges in d-currency ¥€$, will allow to national public fiscal authorities to check out their legacy control and to get paid in direct d-currency in VAT and other taxes. As the ¥€$ circuit will be closed on private e-channel (for controlling all MM1, MM2 and MM3 monetary masses), this d-system will enable to mobilize the whole largest MM3 for financing I-commerce in cash (100% with order of consumer goods & services by end-users clients & for financial equities, and 20% with order + 80% at carry /delivery date for all other business), all industrial, commercial and individual credits at worldwide with a same count-unit (with NO risk of foreign exchanges), and to finance a 1bp (0.01%) interest rate per day, re-capitalizable each month, (3.65% linear per year) to each bearer of ¥€$ (even of the 80% blocked for delivery/carry date, or on e-portfolios in their pocket), like a saving bank. All bearers of ¥€$ will be well known by the central system, at the difference with all other currencies in papers banknotes.
As the ¥€$ private e-channel is designed there, no money will be created Without Real Wealth Counterpart, like for a normal commercial or saving bank. Thus real huge wealth will be created essentially by all actors of I-commerce on whole supply chains, starting by buying raw materials and "external" (from out-of-the-closed-e-channel) products and services, then transforming into equipments / consumers goods and services with creating the value-added of each one and all, and ending by distributing and selling created goods and services at worldwide. With this digital computable ¥€$ system in closed circuit, all creations and distributions of wealth will be made at the source, following "Keys of repartition" decided by free I-market and by external laws of the future Eco-Fin World Governance, in accordance with national and international laws (WTO).
The unique invoicing of this new Universal d-currency system will be 0.25% of each value-added commercial or financial transaction at charge of both buyer and seller - thus 0.50% - in counter-part of all secured accounting, traceability, legacy, fiscal online management (like an extended Paypal). All transfers or donations from account-to-account and all normal e-banking activities will be controlled and managed online, but free of charges, except for "special operations" needing human intervention. Main other incomes of future "¥€$US©®™ e-World B.I.M Bank-Insurer-Market Inc." will result from classical activities of bank, insurance Corp and e-market broker (+0.25% for buying and reselling + same fees for d-currency management invoicing).
The Entry point into ¥€$ d-currency system will be allowed to each World Free Citizen basic investor of the future Global SWF (see my note) or to each well identified holder of a ¥€$ account or e-portfolio, with the exchange rate of 1¥€$ =
* 1€ without exchange fees
* X $ (X = 1$/1€ change rate + exchanges fees)
* Z ¥ (Z = 1¥uan/1€ change rate + exchanges fees)
All other currencies will need to be changed into € or $ before.
The Exit point will be exclusively 1 ¥€$ = 1€ with no exchanges fees and with rupture of payment of 1bp/day interest on ¥€$ d-currency at exact time of withdraw.
This ¥€$ d-currency will be a new private universal count-unit (like casinos chips) intimately linked to best practices of I-commerce©®™ (= "instant, inter-reactive, proactive, self adaptive cash e-commerce, equitable and global at worldwide, piloted end-to-end by Cyber-Machine") without which this (I-commerce) could not work win-win: for this reason, it will be deployed in any case for creating and sharing at the source wealth and prosperity to each World Free Citizen and to whole Humanity, whatever will decisions of nations be, in parallel with existing systems.
However, given the dramatic present eco-fin situation due partially to weakness of US$ based IMS, I'll propose to G20 nations, - especially U.S.A., E.U., China, France, UK, Germany, Japan, India -, to OPEC nations (for valuating definitively their common wealth: oil, with a fixed parity: 1 barrel oil = 35 ¥€$) especially Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and UAE, and to all non-food raw materials producers (for valuating their material/mineral resources at right fixed ¥€$ prices), this following New Bretton Woods Eco-Fin World Governance’s Participation under conditions to:
1/ Pledge to respect all human rights as defined by UNO Universal Declaration of Human Rights Charter, first in their countries, then to defend these human rights all around the world with their pacific non-violent and legal means. Pledge to extend them to UNO rights of women and children, to adopt universal abolition of death penalty in their countries, at latest by End 2012
2/ Authorize to all their nationals or citizens the right to hold international ¥€$ accounts and e-portfolios and to trade in I-commerce of licit goods, services and financial equities at worldwide with simplified fiscal regimes to fix further together. Authorize, for all those who will want, right to join freely our future ¥€$US©®™ Global SWF membership with all its advantages. Authorize foreigners investments and real estates ownership in ¥€$ d-currency on their national territory, with the same legislation than nationals, at latest by 2012. Authorize use of ¥€$ d-currency on all their territory in parallel with national currency (except $) in fixed parity at latest by 2012.
3/ Participate at a total investment of $1.35 trillion USD (or €1 trillion E.U. Euros with fixed parity 1€ = 1.35$ during this 1st funds raising time) payable by €/$ cash or US T-Bonds ($ nominal value), for holding 10% normal shares of the future ¥€$US©®™ e-World B.I.M. Inc. (see my note), as statutory co-founders members of its Supervisory Board (with proportion of voice of their participation) with following repartition proposed: U.S. Fed = 4% ($540 billion), E.U. ECB = 2%(€400 billion), China Central Bank = 2% ($270 billion), and 2% to all other interested nations Central Banks.
4/ Ease, concerning U.S. Fed & E.U. ECB, the Corp’s strategy of "carry $/€-trade ¥€$" by borrowing US$ to Fed or EU€ to ECB at low rate (less than 1-2%), for trading I-commerce in ¥€$ at high turn-over (150-200 times per year for consumers goods & services at worldwide) and to refinancing U.S. and E.U. deeply in $/€ debts people, especially home-owners & jobless, into ¥€$ low rate (4-5%) loans at long-term
5/ Concerning U.S., E.U. and China Central Banks, pledge to maintain their 3 currencies in a narrow International Monetary Snake around pivot-currency € which will be at fixed parity with d-currency ¥€$, banishing any speculation on erratic changes rates (like between French Franc and German Mark before €). Pledge to forbid any speculation on Forex currencies by removing all derivatives and long-short leveraged transactions, replaced by just cash exchanges by 2010.
6/ Concerning OPEC, emerging and developing countries having fulfilled conditions 1/+2/+ 3/ who are willing to join ¥€$ Zone, by considering future ¥€$US©®™ e-World B.I.M. Inc. as their Central Bank, pledge to restrict their public deficit at less than 3% of their GDP, and to sell all their material/mineral resources and emit Bonds exclusively in ¥€$ d-currency.
Under these 6 conditions of creation of ¥€$US©®™ IMS New Bretton Woods, we will be able to solve simultaneously, globally and locally this unprecedented quadruple global crisis, monetary-financial-economic-social, for giving an effective global bailout solution, most urgently to all poor, jobless, deep in $/€ debts, neediest in USA and Europe (which are already organized to absorb without upsetting too much existing society, an increase of purchase power equally of €1.5K or $2K per month per person, and which are easier to equip with digital devices for handling ¥€$ d-currency in parallel with existing $/€ paper currencies), then extend them to all
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